1·For most purposes, this is a good organization to use.
2·A Vimscript variable that is storing a list is, for most purposes, an array.
3·The more advanced grammar constructs can be daunting, but they are not needed for most purposes.
4·The Bourdon - type pressure gauge is more convenient for most purposes than a liquid manometer.
5·And there has been relatively little interest in implementing these as SSH is adequate for most purposes.
6·This is the default clone allocator used by all pointer containers. For most purposes you will never have to change this default.
7·I find it clearer to ignore this interface-like structure for most purposes and instead think of annotations as a hashmap of name-value pairs.
8·As you learned in the last article of this series, SSL-secured connections can provide excellent security for most purposes in this type of environment.
9·Of course, there cannot be medical specialists or universities in every village, but small clinics and schools need not provide inferior services for most purposes.
10·Do a test import and compare the size of your imported model with a "meter cube" (the standard Unity cube primitive has a side length of one unit, so it can be taken as a 1m cube for most purposes).